domain: BMS

organisation: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
address: 345 Park Avenue
address: New York NY 10154
address: United States of America (the)

contact: administrative
name: Sr. Advisor, Asset Management
organisation: Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
address: 345 Park Avenue
address: New York NY 10154
address: United States of America (the)
phone: +1 609 818 3151
fax-no: +1 609-818-4219
e-mail: ngtld-bms@cscinfo.com

contact: technical
name: Howard Eland, Senior Director, DNS Infrastructure Group
organisation: Identity Digital Inc.
address: 10500 NE 8th Street, Suite 750
address: Bellevue WA 98004
address: United States of America (the)
phone: +1.425.298.2200
fax-no: +1.425.671.0020
e-mail: tldtech@identity.digital

nserver: A0.NIC.BMS 2a01:8840:6e:0:0:0:0:45
nserver: A2.NIC.BMS 2a01:8840:71:0:0:0:0:45
nserver: B0.NIC.BMS 2a01:8840:6f:0:0:0:0:45
nserver: C0.NIC.BMS 2a01:8840:70:0:0:0:0:45
ds-rdata: 6109 8 2 cf017a68f34ccc1a4f72fb998385a5e9eeb60cfd9ff8043ab6e6b4f9495a4a6f

whois: whois.nic.bms

status: ACTIVE
remarks: Registration information:

created: 2015-09-10
changed: 2023-08-11
source: IANA